Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Klinefelter Syndrome

XXY Condition
In the world, there are many diseases, viruses and syndromes. Some of them are genetic, while others are not. I am researching on a genetic disorder known as Klinefelter Syndrome. Klinefelter syndrome, also known as the XXY condition, is a term used to describe males who have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells. This syndrome was discovered in 1942 by Dr. Henry Klinefelter. As you can see, the name of this disorder originated from the discoverer. Klinefelter found nine men who showed symptoms of this syndrome such as enlarged breasts and a fewer amount of facial hair. In 1959, he realized these men had an extra X chromosome. One out of every 500 males have this genetic disorder. The XXY condition is one of the most common chromosome abnormalities in humans.
Obviously, the males are the most vulnerable to the Klinefelter Syndrome. Some males have this syndrome, but do not have the symptoms and complications. There are different symptoms depending on how many XXY cells a man has, how much testosterone is in his body and his age when is diagnosed. This syndrome can affect physical development, language development and social development. The most common symptom is infertility. This happens because the male doesn't produce much testosterone. Therefore, he has less facial hair and muscles. When XXY males become adults, they tend to have certain health problems such as breast cancer, vein diseases and osteoporosis. Also, XXY males have trouble talking, reading and understanding. In addition to that, they will be less active and more obedient as they get older.
Suprisingly, there is no mortality rate for this disorder. In my opinion, that is a great thing, because then you will live as long as every other human. Also, as you get older, you are"one in a crowd". The genes in this disease are different since there are extra copies. You can tell by the two different types of genotypes; XY and XXY. Men with this syndrome have an extra X chromosome. The only treatments needed for men with Klinefelter syndrome is to get their testosterone levels up.
An interesting fact that I learned from this site was that Klinefelter syndrome does not necassarily have to be just one extra chromosome. The male could have an extra X or Y chromosome. In addition to that, there can be more than one extra chromosome. For example, a male can have a genotype XXXYY. That is possible! That condition is severe; it can lead to mental retardation. (That is just FREAKY!!!!)


TFG said...

Your narrative leaves much to be desired. Maybe if you knew someone with Klinefelter's or XXY, your view would be completely different.

IMO, one source does not make a good post.