Saturday, October 25, 2008

Energy roles: Class Blog 1

Energy Roles

An ecosystem is a unit consisting of all the living and nonliving things in a given area that interact with one another. In an ecosystem, there are special roles for organisms. An organism can be a producer, consumer or decomposer.
A producer is an organism that is able to make its own food by using a source of energy to turn simple raw materials into food. Producers are the source of all food in an ecosystem. Some examples of a producer are plants and trees. The most common source of energy for a producer is sunlight. With the process of photosynthesis, producers produce food for the consumers. Ultimately, all organisms in the ecosystem depend on producers.
A consumer is an organism that cannot make its own food. Consumers depend on producers for food and energy. There are three types of consumers: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Plant eaters are known as herbivores. An example of an herbivore is a grasshopper. The word “herbivore” comes from Latin word herba which means grass or herb. An example of a carnivore is a snake. The word “carnivore” comes from Latin word carnis which means flesh. Organisms that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores. The word “omnivore” comes from Latin word omnis which means all. An example of an omnivore is a human.
A decomposer is an organism that breaks down the bodies of dead organisms into simpler substances. In the process of breaking down the dead organism, they return important nutrients to the soil and water. Some examples of decomposer are molds, mushrooms and algae. Decomposers are especially important to the ecosystem because they break apart dead organisms. Decomposers return nutrients like nitrogen, carbon, sulfur and magnesium.
I think this subject is fascinating. It is really interesting how our life works. All life is interconnected with each other. What makes the subject more interesting is of where the different organisms overlap and the different places they locate to. I think the most interesting food web is the deep marine, because of the different type of species.

Some interesting facts:

1. Ecosystem actually stands for ecological systems

2. The koala bear, which only feeds on the bark and leaves of the eucalyptus tree, and the cinnabar moth caterpillars, which only eat the leaves of the ragwort plant, live in the areas where these plants grow.


Anonymous said...

Hey Violin!
This isn't related to the blog post you posted. How do you post a picture on your blog posts?

grasshopper said...

Hi reality23! Sorry, I didn't answer before. The answer to your question: when you type in your post, on the tool bar, to the right of the spell check, there is a button. Click it, and you can add th picture of your choice. Bye! See you at school.