Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bizarre Catastrophes Happening in the Universe


There is the latest news about our universe which is bizzare, but true.,2933,322254,00.html has the latest story. The site I got the story from said, and I quote " Huge clouds of gas, galaxies all crash into each other, rip each other apart--- but over millions of years. The deeper astronomers gaze into the cosmos, the more they find it's a bizarre and violent universe." Reseachers had a meeting where they talked about "baby" stars to "rogue" black holes. As you can see, one topic that was mentioned was about black holes. The odds of one of these black holes swallowing up Earth or the sun is somewhere around 1 in 10 quadrillion in any given year. One researcher had presented her theory about these black holes. She says," It's an odd universe we live in. No one should be worried about these black holes. " Scientists are finding that not only are they improving their knowledge of how did this all start and where is it all going, they also are running into hard-to explain, cosmic quirks( An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event). At the meeting, scientists also talked about an approaching gas cloud. The scientists say and I quote, " The cloud has a mass 1 million times that of the sun. It is 47 quadrillion miles away. But it's heading toward our Milky Way galaxy at 150 miles per second. When it hits, there will be fireworks that form new stars and "really light up the neighborhood. But don't worry. It will hit a part of the Milky Way far from Earth. The giant cloud has been known for more than 40 years, but only now have scientists realized how fast it's moving. It is moving so fast that we can see it sort of plowing up a wave of galactic material in front of it." Astronomers unveiled a giant map of mysterious dark matter in a supercluster of galaxies, they explained that the violence of the cramped-together galaxies is so great that there is now an accepted vocabulary for various types of cosmic brutal behavior. The gravitational force between the clashing galaxies can cause "slow strangulation," in which important gas is gradually removed from the victim galaxy. "Stripping" is a more destructive process in which the larger galaxy tears gas from the smaller galaxy, "harassment," which is a fast fly-by encounter.
Because of this discovery, I am more interested in space and astronomy. The universe is awe-inspiring!!!!