Monday, February 23, 2009

My Roller Coaster Website

The Racer

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rollercoaster Class Blog

For the past week, our class has been working on rollercoasters. These rollercoasters were made out of paper tubes and milk cartoons. We had to “buy” the paper tubes with our Omega Money. The requirements for our coaster were to have at least three hills and one other rollercoaster aspect.
Before we began building, we planned out where everything should be placed and how many different items we probably needed. We also drew a sketch to get an idea of how our rollercoaster should look like. The next few days, we worked on building our coaster. As we worked, what made me laugh the most is that we had to use a lot of duck tape. Soon, the teacher started to give us the tape pieces for free. Ha-Ha!!!!

After we finished making our roller coaster, we were supposed to fill out a packet that contained essential questions. Some questions were: how were Newton’s laws used and how friction and force were used. This led us to our next project: making a website for our roller coaster. This website had to have the answers for these questions in it. We were allowed to choose our own template and order of pages, but we had to fulfill the requirements given by our teacher to get a good grade. You could visit my website if you would like to.

I thought that building the rollercoaster was really fun. Since we were doing it with our friends who we chose, the roller coaster creation was made more entertaining. Plus, we learned and used Newton’s laws of motion in a creative way. I also liked making a website for our rollercoaster. We could experiment with lot of things like the font size and color and other fun things. It was a thrilling experience!
Other than that I learned more about the Newton’s laws of motion (Physics subject), making of rollercoasters and the working of roller coasters from other sites.

Some facts that I learned:

The first American roller coaster was the Mauch Chunk Switchback Railway, which was built in the mid-1800s in PA.

Newton’s laws of motion were first published in July 5, 1687.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

International News: S.S

Richest Countries to the Rescue!!!!

The richest countries in the world have decided to fix the economy. They have come forward together to save our economy from worry.

A group of seven countries have met to restore the global financial system. I got this information from cnn. The seven richest countries are the United States, Germany, Japan, Britain, Canada, Italy and France. Italy had hosted this year’s meeting, which occurred on the 14th of February. The meeting, which was held in Rome, lasted for two days. During the meeting, the finance ministers from the seven countries concentrated on the solutions to this crisis. The Treasury Secretary of United States, Timothy Geithner attended the meeting. Geithner told other finance ministers that the world needed to focus on stabilizing and strengthening financial systems. The seven administrators also talked about economic policies and the function of the markets. Another thing the group emphasized was, and I quote, “An open system of global trade and investment is indispensable for global prosperity". In addition to all these issues, Geithner picked up a subject that has been on the mind of many Americans, the recovery package. He told the other six ministers that the $787 billion package was agreed by the U.S Senate and was going to be used to boost the economy. He also told them that, and I quote, “the package provides a very powerful mix of investments and tax cuts to create jobs and to strengthen our long-term growth potential.” The Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn expressed his happiness over the approval of the stimulus package in U.S. senate. In the end, all seven financial ministers agreed that problems of such severity should not recur.

My opinion on this subject is that the topic was writhing and was very interesting to read. I was very happy to find out that the U.S Senate had consented to the stimulus package. It was ironic to see a rich country like U.S. being hit the hardest.
One question that I am having is that does the G-7 meet every year? My second question is that are there only seven rich countries? Why not more or less? My last question is that will it be the same seven countries forever or will they change?
Even though the article was short, it had a lot of detail and information

Monday, February 2, 2009

State News: S.S

The Incumbent Democrat and Four GOP Candidates in a Head-to-Head Battle

The four republicans and the incumbent governor are running for the post of governor of New Jersey. They are giving fiery speeches to boost their chances to run for the post of the Governor. In this week, they have attended two different forums. One forum was on the trains that led them from Newark to Washington D.C. The second forum was at a golf club, where the candidates sat together for the first time.

My first article,, is about the train ride from Newark to Washington DC. Interestingly, only one candidate came on this ride; Governor Corzine. Christopher Christie, Steve Lonegan and Rick Merkt thought that the ride was “a symbol of the state's broken insider-heavy political culture”. The other candidate, Brian Levine couldn’t come because of other obligations. Therefore, Governor Corzine ended up to be the only person from the race to attend the “Walk to Washington”. Taking this as an advantage, Corzine started speaking about the different deeds he would like to do for NJ. There was only one thing that was talked the most on the train; the absence of the four republican candidates. Many people argued that it doesn’t matter if the other candidates did not attend this. Other people, such as the Chamber of Commerce said that it was a disgrace to them. Governor Corzine said a quote that had counteracted everyone’s argument. “I think it would be a mistake for the governor of the state not to be here. It's where people come together. I don't think anybody would claim that they were ever able to influence public policy because I rode this train the last three years."

My opinion on this article is that it was very detailed and informative. This article showed every aspect of the train ride that happened, from who he sat with to what he was eating! I also thought that this article gave me a better understanding of how forums work. This article was very helpful in providing me the correct information. My question about this article is that what is the significance of the train ride?

My second article,, was about the forum that occurred on the last day of January. This is the first time all the candidates from Republican party sat together to discuss their thoughts. All the candidates gave fiery speeches and back-stabbed each other. The various policies implemented by Governor Corzine in NJ were criticized by four republican candidates. They felt that Corzine’s policies were hurting the small towns and communities of New Jersey. These four candidates fired their harsh comments at the governor. They criticized him for being selfish and harmful, but Corzine’s spokesman shattered their thoughts with a fiery quote. This quote was, “Governor Corzine is focused on New Jersey's economy in the middle of a national financial crisis, not partisan politics.”

My opinion on this article was that it was detailed and informative. This article was also general and straight-to–the-point. This article gave the main points or details of what happened at the golf club in Branchburg. Plus, this article demonstrated to me competition between politicians! My question about this article is that who do you think is the best candidate among these four?