Sunday, September 23, 2007

Instrument Crisis

Having trouble chosing an instrument to play? Don't worry! Instrument Helpers are here. What type of instrument do you want to play?Strings, brass, band instruments or light instruments. If you want to play a string instrument-here are your choices: violin, viola, chello and. If you are going to play violin, viola or chello then you have a chance to be in an orchestra. A violin or viola are to be held in your and you play soft music. A chello is a very large and heavy instrument to play. Each of these three instruments have different keys on their strings. If you don't want to play soft music and want to play rooaaring music, then let's go to the band and brass instruments! Brass instrument are trumpets, trombones and a whole lot more. If you play a brass instument then you have a chance of going to band. If you want to play the drums or the flute then say hello to band instruments. If you think flutes make light sounds, you are wrong!You make it go on for a while, then it will get louder and louder.Let's see, now about the drums we have a lot of types. There are bass drums, normal drums, beat drums and more. Now you have to think about your choice. Good luck!!!!