Saturday, November 29, 2008

Symbiosis relationships: Class Blog 2

A symbiosis is a close relationship between two organisms in which one organism is near, on or even inside another organism and in which at least one organism benefits. There are three different types of symbiosis relationships. These relationships are commensalism, mutualism and parasitism.

Commensalism is a form of symbiosis in which one organism benefits and the other is not harmed. An example of commensalism is a manta ray and small fish. The manta ray lets the small fish get a ride on its back. This is commensalism, because the small fish benefits by getting a ride while the manta ray isn’t harmed.

Mutualism is a form of symbiosis in which both organisms benefit. An example of mutualism is a clownfish and sea anemones. The clownfish gets protection, while the sea anemones become clean. This is mutualism, because both water animals benefit from having each other around.

Parasitism is a form of symbiosis in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed. An example of parasitism is wasp’s eggs and caterpillar. When the eggs hatch into young wasps, these young wasps burrow into the body of the caterpillar. The young wasps feed on the caterpillar’s tissues. After a month or so, the young wasps chew their way out of the dying caterpillar’s body and spin cocoons. Afterwards, the young wasps become adult wasps. This is parasitism, because the caterpillar is harmed while the young wasps benefit from feeding on the caterpillar.

I think this subject is interesting, but sad in a way. It is interesting because an array of animals can be beneficial to each other (mutualism). Plus, some animals are being humane and helping other animals (commensalism). It is also sad since an animal ends up being harmed and the other is healthy from feeding on the other (parasitism).

Some interesting facts:
1. There is another type of symbiosis relationship! It is called Mimicry. Mimicry is when one organism is imitating another to gain the benefits enjoyed by that organism. For example, a Banded snake eel mimicking a venomous sea snake in order to divert the attention of predators.

2. Parasites can be divided into two categories, Ectoparasites and Endoparasites. Ectoparasites refer to external parasites, while Endoparasites refers to internal parasites.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Will the mammoth live again?

Wow! In a few years, we may be able to see the mammoth and the sabertooth tiger. Now that Japanese scientists have produced clones of mice that have been dead and frozen for 16 years, they are thinking that one day,they could resurrect long-extinct species, such as the mammoth. At, they write about ths new discovery. Until now, scientists have only been able to produce clones using cells from living animals. The latest research shows that scientists have overcome the obstacle that stopped them from doing further research. Researchers in Kobe, Japan used cells from mice that had been frozen for 16 years at -20 degree Celsius. The researchers followed a number of steps and were able to clone the mice. A researcher says and I quote,"This is the first time a mammal has been cloned from a sample stored at conditions reasonably close to what might be expected in permafrost". In an article published in, the researchers have a different thought and I quote,"However, it has been suggested that the 'resurrection' of frozen extinct species (such as the woolly mammoth) is impracticable, as no live cells are available,and the genomic material that remains is inevitably degraded". Last year, Russian scientists discovered the body of a baby mammoth frozen in the Arctic Yamalo-Nenetsk region. These scientists are thinking of cloning the mammoth's cells since many of the animals are preserved in ice. Depending on the results, they will clone other extinct animals.
I think that this discovery will lead science in a different direction. I also think that if this experiment on the mammoth works,more scientists are going to start cloning other extinct animals like the sabertooth tiger and the dodo. By reading these two articles, I have learned about how you can recreate an animal. This fact makes me ponder more to learn about genetics. It is interesting to know that as technology improves, our studies and research in science progresses further. We uncover facts that we haven't been sure about, now, we are able to clear those doubts and move on.