Friday, February 15, 2008

Popping Fun


In class, we studied about chemical and physical changes. To help us understand better, we did a Popping Fun lab. We were split into six groups. Each group had a beaker of vinegar, a beaker of baking soda, a test tube, and a graduated cylinder. Each group needs to mix vineagor and baking soda to make the cork pop! The groups were allowed to use water as well. The goal was to be able to mix enough vineager and baking soda to make the cork hit the window. We also had to record how many mL of vineagar and baking soda we used for each trial and the distance the cork went(in meters). It took my group about 4 trials before we got the cork to hit the window. On our fifth trial, it hit the window!!!! My group jumped up in joy and Mrs.Roussea was smiling! My group continuously used the same amount and got EXTRA CREDIT!!!! I was soooo happy!!!! has an experiment where you can make your own volcano. This volcano will give you an idea of what it might look like when a volcano erupts flowing lava. This is a classic experiment in which a chemical reaction can create the appearance of a physical volcano eruption. This volcano experiment relates to the popping fun lab because the lava "pops" out of the volcano like the cork pops out of the test tube. Also, both experiments have key materials to create "the explosion". Those chemicals are baking soda and vineagar. is another site that uses vineagar and baking soda to pop a plastic bag. The popping fun lab and the bubble bomb lab are both related because of the materials used. Also, both labs end with a big POP! (Except the bubble bomb also has a big fizz included! {Just a joke}). My opinion on the Popping Fun Lab is that it is really fun. You even learn a few facts from this one enjoyable experiment. You learn about chemical reaction and how it works. You see one right infront of YOUR EYES! You even see it happen in real life(shake a champane bottle and cork pops). This was a fun experience for me.